
SEE(CHINA) Laser Technology Co., Ltd



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      SEE Lasers(China) Teehnologies Ltd. is a leading hi-teeh specialist manufacturer in China in the respect of high precision laser integrated industrial applications. A typical start-up firm, we explore our way into the fastest growing Chinese economy with our specialities,  entrepreneurial spirit and local governmental support.

      Initiated in 2011 by Research Institute Shenzhen of Tsinghua University, China, Optodyne Inc., U.S.A and Lasers/Optical Systems Engineering Group of Glasgow University, U.K., we remain a private sector joint venture company. Strategically headquartered in Suzhou Taicang city and submerged with hundreds of German engineering firms, we have major sales offices in Shanghai sa well as in Nanjing, Xi'an, Chengdu and Shenyang.

      SEE Tech Lasers responds to the laser market. Our R&D focuses on two laser applications categorices: laser interferometers for CNC machnies calibrations and laser material interaction applications such as laser cutting/welding. We are proud of having increasingly strengthened our capability in both providing mark-oriented complete scope of integrated supplies/services and focusing on customer-oriented R&D innovations for more compeitive solutions. For instance, our ground breking researches on stochastic laser material interaction underneath laser cutting applications have drawn more than expected attentions from Chinese laser applications customers.

      We firmly behold the customer-oriented philosophy -- to treat each project with non-standardized technical solutions to maximize each customer's benefit. The active partnership with customers makes teh company versatile both in delivering in-depth support for decision making and in engaging with projects at different levels. Our world leading Laser Doppler Interferometers, specifically designed for CNC machining tools, have attracted intensive interests from high-end Chinese customers. both CNC machines builders and users in military and aeronautical/aerospace industries

      Last but not at least, SEE Tech Lasers welcomes inquires, initiatives and cooperations from laser applications community.both domestic and international. We are confident that innovative technologies combined with relatively low price makes us a favorite specialist manufacturer in providing comprehensive solutions to laser applications industry in China.